Saturday, September 15, 2012

September--Beginner Women's Mtn Bike Clinic Still a Go!! The Loss of a Dear Friend

Sorry for the delay in a post for this month. It has been a busy month and rife with grief. The Ocoee River community lost a dear friend on Tuesday the 11th. Jeff West drown while making a one-day attempt of the Grand Canyon section of the Stikine River in Canada. He had been training for this day for 10 years and knew the risks involved. He was a pro-level paddler and spent his life teaching others the secrets of the river and connecting with people on a level that is incomprehensible to most. But as with all lights that burn twice as bright; they burn out twice as fast. He lived a life of quality rather than quantity and chose to fill each day making others happy. He was 42. Jeff wouldn't want us to sit around pining over his loss. Instead, he would want us to soldier on living each day as though it were our last. And THAT is just what we will do! So! The Tsali trip is still a go.

September 23 @ 8am--Tsali Recreation Area, NC (email me for directions Google maps does not give accurate directions just FYI--will already be camping there)
Focus: whatever you want to work on!
RSVP by September 21.

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